Thursday, January 19, 2017

BMX Indoors Tours

Max Roucheau again made an amazing jo, to share us an compilation of the 23th BMX Indoor Tours.

His Youtube Channel :

Results of Saturday Men : 1. Jeremy Rencurel, 2. Tristan Tournebize, 3. Vincent Pelluard, 4. Thibaud Chauvin, 5. Quentin Caleyron, 6. Karl Le Nagard, 7. Romain Mahieu, 8. Sylvain André

Results of Sunday Men : 1. Romain Mahieu, 2. Jérémy Rencurel, 3. Arthur Pilard, 4. Quentin Caleyron, 5. Vincent Pelluard, 6. Romain Mayet, 7. Sylvain André, 8. Karl Le Nagard

Results of Saturday Women : 
1. Mariana Pajon, 2. Axelle Etienne, 3. Mathilde Doudoux, 4. Cholé Bonetruy, 5. Marine Lacoste, 6. Christelle Boivin, 7. Eloise Francineau, 8. Camille Maire

Results of Sunday Women :
1. Mariana Pajon, 2. Camille Maire, 3. Christelle Boivin, 4. Axelle Etienne, 5. Mathilde Hugot, 6. Eloise Francineau, 7. Mathilde Bernard, 8. Mathilde Doudoux

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